We’ve all heard of sleigh beds and bunk beds, but how about a sonic bed designed to play music while you sleep? Or a ‘Jaws’-inspired shark bed meant to terrorize toddlers? Or a bed that provides handy hidden access to your trusty shotgun should the need for late-night gunfire emerge? They all actually exist, as do these other wonderfully weird beds.

Vertical Bed
This invention from artist and designer Ernesto Neto not only looks like a giant marshmallow, but acts like one by enveloping you in its soft dreaminess in order to allow you to fall asleep while still standing up.

The Feel Deluxe
Who needs a mattress when you can rest upon a bed made up of dozens of soft foam balls that will cradle you in comfort? That’s the concept behind the Feel Deluxe seating system, which can be adjusted to accommodate pretty much any sleeping position you can imagine.

Bat Bed
Anyone seeking an illuminated headboard that will hint at one’s secret identity in the sack need look no further. Available at Gotham City’s Bed, Bat and Beyond…

Bird Bed
Husband-and-wife artists François-Xavier and Claude Lalanne specialize in creating out-of-this-world animal-themed furnishes such as this bed that is literally for the birds. And you won’t believe their insect toilet…

Book Bed
A giant folding hardcover book from designer Yusuke Suzuki opens to reveal a cozy, whimsical sleeping spot that’s perfect for a kid to curl up in with a good book.

Cardboard Bed
Dubbed the “itbed,” this surprisingly functional bed is made entirely of cardboard, utilizing an accordion-like design that allows it to be collapsed for easy storage when not in use for the ultimate in space-saving. Just be sure you don’t accidentally throw it in with the recycling on garbage day.

The tongue-in-cheek FBed is described as a “conceptual multipractical bed design” intended to make sure you don’t miss a second of your friends’ Facebook posts.

Gun Bed
While the gun-control debate rages on, here’s a bed that declares, “Shoot ’em if you got em!” A hinged secret compartment built into the headboard need simply be pressed and will drop your firearm of choice directly into your waiting mitts before you’ve even had a chance to wipe the sleep from your eyes.

Jaws Baby Bed
A lifetime of psychotherapy awaits the terrified tot who gets to sleep in this frightening bedtime homage to ‘Jaws’.

Safety Bed
While it’s debatable whether this “confinement bed” is the real deal or a joke, there’s no denying its effectiveness in preventing someone from rolling over and falling out of the sack.

Sonic Bed
This “sonic bed” is the result of the “Music for Bodies” research project, which promotes the idea of listening to music not just with the ears but with one’s entire body. Outfitted with multiple speakers built into the bed frame, the high-minded goal is to acknowledge that “the entire human animal a listening organism, whilst exploring our perception of sound.”

Roller Coaster Bed
Whether this is a bizarre art installation or the preferred sleeping spot of a roller coaster enthusiast, you must admit this bed is certainly a conversation piece.

Giant Bird’s Nest Bed
Imagine the sweet dreams you’ll have snoozing away in this replica of a bird’s nest, nestled amongst giant egg-shaped pillows. The hefty $15,000 price tag, though, may result in a few sleepless nights…

Magnetic Hover Bed
No, this isn’t what Capt. Kirk uses to bed green alien chicks in the latest ‘Star Trek’ movie, but an actual invention that uses powerful magnets that make this gravity-defying bed literally hover several feet above the floor. For a mere $1.6 million, you can have one of your own.

Self-Making Bed
For generations, lazy people (you know who you are) have argued there’s no point in making the bed because you’re simply going to mess it up again that night. This high-tech bed, however, leaves no excuse, since it actually makes itself by pulling up and straightening sheets and blankets automatically. Watch it in action and see if you don’t want to rush out and get one.

Burger Bed
Kayla Kramer designed this whimsical bed shaped like a giant burger, which currently rests at the Hamburger Museum in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Millennium Falcon Bed
Kayla Kromer didn’t stop with fast food when it came to bed inspiration, and turned to beloved sci-fi flick “Star Wars” for her next creation, a round bed shaped like Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon.

Rocking Bed
Since rocking chairs are so popular, why not a rocking bed? That’s clearly the thinking that led German designer Manuel Kloker to create his patented “Private Cloud” rocking bed, which boasts flexible feet that can affix the bed in any position when it’s time to stop rocking.

Enignum Bed
Furniture designer Joseph Walsh’s Enignum Bed is ethereal and otherworldly. Given its massive scope, it’s clearly not going to be a big seller with the “tiny house” crowd.

Geometric Bed
A creation of Paris-based Jakob + MacFarlane Architects, this geometric bed is certainly a bedroom conversation piece.

Hammock Bed
The ceiling-mounted Le Beanock is described as “part beanbag, part hammock,” combining “the weightlessness of a hammock with the comfort of a beanbag/bed.”

HiCan Video Bed
Although still in the prototype stage (an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign is currently underway), the HiCan video bed celebrates the unmistakable pleasure of watching TV in bed by building a widescreen TV right into the bed structure. “A technological cocoon designed by dreamers for dreamers,” notes the product’s website. “A perfect blend of design and technology.”

Inflatable Bed
Another invention designed for power napping, the inflatable Nappak can be folded up and stored until the sandman pays a visit and sleepy time beckons.

Floating Bed
Anchored to the wall and supported only with a small central leg, the Wave “floating bed” from Italian designer Daniele Lago is billed as “the first suspension bed in the world that defies gravity and rests on a single height-adjustable leg.”

Sleeper Pod Bed
While these weird-looking “sleeper pods” from U.K.-based Metronaps may look like discarded props from a cheesy 1970s sci-fi movie, these pods are actually designed for busy people on the go who need to grab a quick power nap.

Tunnel Bed
Artist Noga Berman explains her inspiration for her “tunnel bed,” a lightweight, cozy hiding space in which one can take a snooze. “Just as a cat seeks out hiding places or small spaces to slip into,” says Berman, “I wanted to create furniture that can encompass all or parts of the human body.”

Wave Bed
The Wave Bed from Scandinavian furniture design firm Mimondo boasts a “playful and airy” design, and is also available in a double bunk-bed version.

Yin Yang Bed
Designer Alessio Pappa demonstrates the harmony of yin working together with yang in one of the most unusual bunk beds you’ll ever see.

Chocolate Cake Bed
Admittedly, an edible bed made entirely out of chocolate cake and icing is probably not the most practical sleeping solution, but there’s no denying you’d be hard-pressed to find a more delicious bed. This bed, by the way, was actually created for an art installation, and was eaten by guests at the end of the evening.

Boat Bed
The creation of U.K.-based David Arnold Designs, this nautical bed will have you drifting off to sleep – and possibly drifting off to sea.
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