Most of you know Bryan pretty well – what you see on-screen is who he is every single day – but there are still a few things you likely don’t know about him (like his least favourite thing to do and his all-time favourite meal). Enjoy!
Sarah Baeumler has an eye for all things design. She stars in Home to Win and co-hosts Bryan Inc. alongside Bryan.

He Likes to Put Ketchup on His Corn
When I first saw Bryan reach for the ketchup while holding a perfectly grilled corn on the cob, I think my jaw dropped. Ketchup is the ideal accompaniment for many foods: fries, hot dogs – the list goes on, but not corn. Bryan can’t get enough of it, but to each their own I guess.

Bryan is the Youngest of Three Boys
Bryan has two older brothers, Mike and Paul, and he is close to them both. His poor mother was outnumbered by four men, and from some of the stories Bryan has told me about what they got up to as youngsters, I’m not sure how they all turned out to be such lovely men.

He’s an Avid Scuba Diver
Bryan’s middle name could be adventure. He is always seeking out new experiences and exciting ways to spend his free time. He took up scuba diving many years ago and absolutely loves it. Our vacations are often determined by the quality of diving available, but I’m not complaining, I’m a big fan too!

His Favourite Ice-Cream Flavours are Chocolate Peanut Butter and Mint Chip
A somewhat bizarre combination of flavours, but this is Bryan’s go-to when treating himself. We often get funny looks from the servers, but as we have already discussed, Bryan’s taste buds are quite unique.

Bryan’s Coffee Order is a Double-Double or a Café Con Leche
No crazy flavours here. Bryan’s coffee choice is the nation’s favourite: a double double. You may have already known that, but what you probably don’t know is he’s also a fan of the Spanish-style coffee drink, a café con leche.

He Studied in Australia During High School
Some of you may not know that Bryan spent a stint of time in Australia during high school. He enjoyed the experience immensely, but was happy to return home, back to his beloved Canada.

His Favourite Meal: My Home-Cooked Salmon
He might try and tell you differently, but this is his favourite dish. I have perfected my recipe, and he is always excited when it’s on the menu. This is often his choice meal when it comes to a birthday treat or special occasion.

Bryan Has a Tattoo
Bryan has one tattoo that many people don’t know about. It is a simple tattoo on his arm with the four names of his children. He isn’t one to flaunt it, but his children mean the world to him, and he wanted to show that by getting a tasteful tattoo.

His Least Favourite Thing to Do: Sit in the Office
Bryan doesn’t even have a desk at our main office. He doesn’t like to sit and answer emails or have meetings about projects, he is a doer and does his planning and strategizing on site. He is most comfortable when he’s getting things done and working on site.

He’s Working on Getting His Pilot’s License
As mentioned, Bryan is always looking for adventure, and has recently decided that he wants to fly airplanes. With our new venture in the Caribbean, being able to fly is a huge benefit, but I think that’s just a good excuse. He is a prolific learner and always challenges himself. But I might let him practice a bit more before joining him in the cockpit!
Hopefully you all found something new about Bryan from this list. There are so many more interesting tidbits about him, as there are about all of us, but he is truly a special man. Love you, Bry.
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