No matter how much time you spend cleaning or designing the perfect space, people can’t help but notice if your house doesn’t smell great. After all, every home, including yours, has a unique scent. Whether someone just made a batch of freshly baked cookies or may not have changed their cat’s litter box recently, it’s easy to pick up the aroma of another person’s adobe from the moment you step through their front door. But when it comes to our own space, we often forget that certain rooms may not smell as fresh as we’d like. If you want to ensure that your house smells as beautiful as it looks, follow these simple steps.
1. They Clean Their Shoe Closets
Do you have a stinky shoe closet? If so, you’re not alone. Taking the time to deodorize sneakers will make a big difference in creating a clean and inviting entrance or mudroom. We suggest sprinkling the soles of your shoes with baking soda or, for more frequently worn pairs, put a dryer sheet inside your shoes overnight.
Related: 7 Genius Ways to Double Your Closet Space
2. Their Fridges Are Spotless
Your kitchen is the heart of your home, but it might be the smelliest spot, too. After a while, it’s easy to overlook the old leftovers in the fridge or the shelves’ mysterious sticky spills. Unfortunately, every time you open your fridge doors, these unfavourable scents slowly seep their way into your kitchen and can even impact the rest of your home, too. Tossing out expired food and regularly wiping down your fridge is a surefire way to ensure your space smells great.
Related: How to Clean Kitchen Cabinets – This Genius Trick Will Save You So Much Time
3. They Air Out Their Rooms
If you need to freshen up your home in a flash, sometimes the most straightforward solutions will still save the day. Weather permitting, proper ventilation will do wonders for every room in your home. Just crack open a window to circulate fresh air, and you’ll banish that stuffy room scent before you know it.
Related: The Ultimate Spring Cleaning List
4. They Deep Clean Their Linens
Yes, you already know how important it is to change your bathroom’s hand towels and bed sheets on a regular basis, but what about the other linens around your home? Remember to add culprits like drapes, shower curtains, throws and products like pet beds into your cleaning checklist.
Related: 11 Places You Probably Forgot to Clean in Your House
5. They Use Essential Oils
In addition to helping you relax and reduce stress, essential oils also smell fantastic. Use essential oils as a natural air freshener through your choice of diffuser, or simply adding a few drops to any area of your home that can use a scented boost, such as your toilet bowl or kitchen sink.
Related: 10 DIY, All-Natural Cleaning Products & Air Fresheners You Can Make at Home
6. They Make Stovetop Simmers
Stovetop simmers are a classic for a reason; they really work. Often used for special occasions or in the holiday season, stovetop simmers are a fun way to experiment with different seasonal scents and are guaranteed to leave your whole home smelling incredible.
Related: How to Clean Your Kitchen Using All-Natural Solutions to Save You Time and Money
7. They Think Green
When in doubt, turn to flowers and fragrant houseplants to freshen up your home. Any space will smell heavenly with a fresh bouquet, especially if it contains fragrant flowers like roses, jasmine, or lavender.
Related: The Most Popular Flowers for Canadian Gardens
8. They Spritz Their Showers
We totally get it: sometimes, our schedules make it impossible to give our bathrooms the deep-clean they probably need. If you’re looking for an easier way to keep your bathtub or shower in tip-top shape, we suggest using a daily shower spray to keep soap scum, mold and mildew away.
Related: 10 of the Most Common Household Odours and How to Eradicate Them
9. They Always Take Out the Trash
When it comes to odours, it’s best to eliminate them right at the source. Although it’s nobody’s favourite chore, make it a habit to empty your kitchen and bathroom trash cans at least every other day to ensure every crevice of your home smells as fresh as can be.
Related:The Smelliest Areas of Your Home (And How to Fix Them!)
10. They Love a Good Candle
If there’s one thing that every person with an amazing smelling house has in common, it’s that they are all burning their favourite candles regularly. The best scented candles will leave your home smelling fabulous in no time.
Related: How to Make Candles in a Few Simple Steps (on the Cheap)
Images Courtesy of Lauren Kolyn and Getty Images
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