If you’ve watched as the Baeumlers navigated the twists and turns of building a resort from the ground up on Island of Bryan, or followed along as Scott transformed Canadian rental properties on Scott’s Vacation House Rules, then hold on to your hard hats and gear up for the crossover of your dreams. That’s right – Scott McGillivray and Bryan Baeumler are joining forces in an all-new Home Network show, Renovation Resort, set to premiere in Spring 2023.
In this seven-part competition series, Bryan lends a hand to get Scott’s recently purchased lakeside resort into shape. There’s only one issue – it’s an absolute wreck! The two home reno veterans will guide 4 talented contractor-designer duos as they battle it out and bring this forgotten fishing resort back to life, one cabin at a time.
Scott and Bryan will bring on special guest judges and oversee each renovation, offering expert advice and laughs along the way. Get ready to cheer for your favourite team as they tackle new challenges and work against the clock to execute their designs just in time for the grand finale. The team with the winning cabin will go home with a life-changing reward.
Be sure to check Home Network.ca for more updates on Renovation Resort and exclusive content on all of your favourite Home Network shows.
How can you be on Renovation Resort?
If you’re an experienced contractor-designer duo looking for your next big project and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with Scott and Bryan, now is your time to apply! Check out our casting call page for more details.
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