Season 3 of Island of Bryan begins with the Baeumlers more-or-less marooned on the island. Six weeks after the Caerula Mar Club opened, Sarah and Bryan Baeumler had to shut down the resort due to the restrictions to help control the COVID-19 pandemic. International travel for tourists was temporarily suspended and businesses were forced to close. The Baeumlers decided to remain on the island as they, and the rest of the world, isolated. After overcoming termite infestations, rusted plumbing and a hurricane, the Baeumlers had thought their path forward was clear. Fate had a different plan. Read on to find out how the Baeumlers tackle the biggest obstacle they have faced as they work towards reopening their luxury resort.

Weighing Their Options
Safety was the biggest consideration for the Baeumlers. They had to protect the health of their family, staff and guests. The resort had to be closed – refunds were issued – and the Baeumlers were left with the question: “What do we do now?”.

Get to Work!
For the Baeumlers, one of the obvious answer to what they were going to do next was: Work! Bryan and Sarah continued projects that still needed to be done at the resort. Sarah home schooled the three children that were with them. Quinten was back home in Canada where he was in school and doing equestrian training.

Before Lounge
One space that was never renovated was the games room. With a tight budget, Sarah and Bryan agreed that this wasn’t going to be a tear-down situation. The room was in pretty good shape, it just needed the Baeumler touch.

With some paint and design accents, this lounge has a completely different vibe. It’s a welcoming spot for guests to hang out at night, when it’s raining or when the sun just gets too hot. It’s in the hotel block just next to the club house so its location is perfectly situated to draw people in.

More Games
Guests have a few activities in the lounge that could bond friendships that began at the beach or on a bike ride around the island. Who doesn’t love a good ping pong match? And the foosball table has been tested out by Bryan. So, let the games begin.

Lounge Bathroom
A bathroom isn’t just a bathroom when Sarah Baeumler is on the team. With Sarah’s design talents, a bathroom can become a work of art. Notice the wallpaper that reflects the sandy beaches of the island. A small plant at the sink is a touch used throughout the resort to give the resort and rooms an organic feel. The rounded mirrors are also a design element that repeats throughout the resort.

Fun in the Sun
While the Baeumlers were isolating at the resort, they were well aware of some of the advantages they had. They had to close their resort and take some big financial losses but they were right in front of the Caribbean Ocean where they could swim, fish and scuba dive. This is the life they were hoping their guests would be enjoying. For now, it’s all theirs.

Home Time
As time passed, the Baeumlers knew that they needed to get home to get a better sense of their financial situation and see friends and family. It’d been months since they had seen their son Quinten, so, a return to Canada was planned. Left behind was a gorgeous resort with no guests, and mounting bills.

At-Home Decisions
When the Baeumlers arrive back in Canada, more decisions awaited them. As the family spends more time at the resort, should they sell their beloved home? It would free up money, but they have put their heart and soul into this house. The family was at a turning point in their lives but most of their biggest issues were out of their control.

The Baeumler Generation
The Baeumlers decided that Quinten would stay in Canada with his grandparents for the foreseeable future. Quinten can continue his equestrian training and will be in good hands with his grandparents watching over him. In this picture, Bryan sits down with his son and father for a multi-generational chat.

Welcome Willow
Whatever decisions the Baeumlers make, they will have a new member in tow. Meet Willow. The family adopted this adorable island dog while in The Bahamas. We’re looking forward to getting to know her better!

Friends and Family
The second episode of Season 3 of Island of Bryan begins with the Baeumlers at home in Toronto. It’s a great opportunity for them to catch up on business issues, source materials and visit with friends and family. Adam, who the Baeumlers consider their fifth child, was a huge part of Island of Bryan, but now that he has a girlfriend, he’s staying back in Toronto to put down some roots. But, look forward to future visits with Adam. He is part of the Baeumler family.

School House Rock
One of the first things the Baeumlers wanted to do when they returned to The Bahamas was to create a space where Charlotte, Jo-Jo and Lincoln can start school. There’s a bit of work to do though. As Jo-Jo says: “Do classrooms usually have beds in them?”

What better way to get closer and grow more in love with your spouse than assembling packaged furniture? As always, the Baeumlers make it through this relationship test, relatively unscathed. There is no divorce lawyer needed here… just maybe better better instructions.

School House Reveal
The completed school house got the kind of reception most of Sarah’s designs do. The kids were ecstatic! After a couple years without conventional school instruction, the Bauemler children are ready to get down to work. Having to create a separate learning space for children is a new step for countless parents around the world – the Baeumlers included.

Desk Envy
Both Jo-Jo and Lincoln have desks that can be adjusted. After a couple of hours sitting, the kids can hike the desk up and stand while they study. Getting school work done in an organized space makes life a lot easier for everyone. Life feels a bit more structured.

Art House
Among the learning stations that Sarah and Bryan set up was this art space. Inspiration for future art work is just outside the door where there is and ocean and miles and miles of beach.

Charlotte’s Room
As the oldest child in the school house, Charlotte gets a separate space that will let her concentrate when exam time comes around. Although the space has been designated a 13+ area, we think Jo-Jo and Lincoln may pat the occasional visit.

Reading Nook
Every school house could use a space set aside for quiet reading or kicking back. It also looks like this could be the perfect hideaway for Sarah and Bryan when things get a bit hectic at the resort!

Island of Bryan’s Class of 2021
With the school villa completed and furnished, it’s time to get down to work. But, first, a class picture with the Baeumlers and their new teacher, Ms. Sarah who will be helping the kids with their learning.

Hurricane Season!
Just before the start of Episode 3, a hurricane hit the Island of Bryan resort and surrounding area. Locals say it’s one of the strongest hurricanes they’ve witnessed. The damage was mostly superficial but the repairs gave the Baeumlers and their staff added work at a time when they were hoping to focus on reopening. A big lesson learned: Don’t book guests during hurricane season.

Sunshine and Chickadees
Thankfully, no one was injured during the hurricane. The Baeumlers hunkered down and made it out all in one piece. Here they are holding the newest Island of Bryan residents: chickadees and baby ducks.

Bonding With the Chickadees and Ducklings
The chickadee and baby duck project, which started out with the Baeumlers incubating eggs under a heat lamp, gave the Baeumler kids something other than the pandemic to think about. As a boy, Bryan also raised chickens and the family had a chicken coop back in Toronto.

Reno for the Chickens
After the little chickadees and ducks were hatched and scrambling around, Bryan built a brooding pen. This gave the little birds a safe space where they were protected from the elements and any predators. The pen was created from an old twin-bed frame and some chicken wire. How’s that for a family upcycling project?

Baeumler Fort Life
After the hurricane, Lincoln checked out a couple of forts he had built. While one of the forts was decimated, the other was in relatively good shape. Lincoln wants to follow in his father’s footsteps and drew up plans and a budget for a new fort… but those plans will have to wait until the resort is ready to open for business. Definitely a father-son activity for the future.

Picking Coconuts the Baeumler Way
The Island of Bryan resort was built in the middle of a coconut grove. And while it’s a great feature of the resort, the trees are near pathways. A passerby could get conked over the head by a coconut. So, Bryan got some climbing spikes and tried to prune the trees himself. To make a long story short…. they are going to buy a bucket lift for future trimming.

Refreshing Coconut Water
With over 200 coconut trees and thousands of coconuts on the resort grounds, there is no shortage of this fruit (or tree nut as some people call them). Between coconuts and fresh eggs, the Baeumlers are making good on their commitment to sourcing local food.

Live Duckies!
After a while, the baby ducklings, who had bonded with the Baeumler children, gleefully followed the kids into the salt water swimming pool. The ducks, who will live by the Island of Bryan resort pond, took to the water like… well, ducks. After the pool is drained and guests come…. the pool will be off limits to the kids and their pets.

Lusca Design
While there is still lots going on at the resort, the Baeumlers have almost completed the Lusca dining room. They are standing in front of the newly finished feature wall which houses bottles of wine on pegs. The porcelain tile has a sandy colour and wave to it. Previously, Sarah had wanted the wall to be all marble. Bryan was not disappointed in the change of plans. The space between the columns of wine will eventually be filled with a wood carving of a mythical creature, known as a lusca, that supposedly lives in the island’s spectacular Blue Holes.

Sailing Date
Episode 4 of Island of Bryan, Season 3 starts off, appropriately, with a bit of fun. Sarah and Bryan take advantage of living in paradise by going sailing. It’s a good thing they are getting recharged because there are lots of twists and turns ahead.

Baeumlers’ Solar Power
The Baemlers are dedicated to making their resort as ‘green’ as possible so they are installing solar panels on the roof of the resort. Electricity for the island is powered by diesel generators. The switch over to solar helps lessen the resort’s environmental footprint and provides a dependable source of electricity. The issue with the solar panels was that they were being installed just as guests were to arriving at the resort. A bit of unwanted noise for the guests but nothing some free drinks at the bar won’t cure. It’s not always easy being green.

Coconut Bucket
After trying to prune the coconut trees by climbing up them, Bryan succumbed to the fact that they need a bucket lifter. It’s not a ferris wheel but it gives Bryan and Sarah a little alone time… and it saves a guest being hit in the head by a coconut.

Finishing Touches
Before the guests arrive, Sarah and Bryan had to seal the cement on the outdoor dining bar so it’s safe for food service. The colour wasn’t exactly right… but Sarah had the idea of adding some tincture to the sealant to give it more of a charcoal colour. The result… “I don’t hate it.” says Sarah. But we’d say it came out perfectly and was pretty ingenious. (You can judge for yourself in the next slide).

Casual Dining
This is the place to be. Dining al fresco in the Caribbean. The lights and candles set a laiback ambiance. The rustic bar stools are completely on trend and the charcoal colour of the bar top turned out better than expected.

Pizza Oven in Action
With the outdoor dining space completed, it was time to start cooking. Above, Sebastian, the Island of Bryan chef, is putting in a couple pizzas into the pizza oven. Getting a pizza oven to the island was no easy feat but worth it.

Bar Service
The moment that Carlos and the rest of the resort staff has finally arrived. After following strict pandemic guidelines, guests have arrived at the Island of Bryan resort and enjoying the food, drink and activities. The Baeumlers have come a long way since the season started, but what will be the next obstacle they will encounter?

A Rare Rest
With things relatively under control, Bryan kicks back with some of the guests to share a drink and a few laughs. A well deserved respite. Cheers.

Baeumler Fun by the Pond
In Episode 5 of Island of Bryan, Season 3, there were some great upgrades to the resort that we can share with you. But first, we can check in with Bryan and the Baeumler children kids who are taking a moment for some together time. Charlotte is lounging with Bryan while Lincoln looks like he is on a quest for some fresh coconut water.

Duck Power
With the pool off limits to the Baeumler children, they have more time to spend at the pond. The ducklings they watched hatch are growing into full grown ducks. Not a bad way to spend the afternoon.

Villa Five is Alive
Another villa has been completed! Meet Villa #5. It’s finished just in time as there are new guests coming. The resort now has 18 hotel rooms and five villas. Each villa has it’s own personality. Let’s take a look inside the villa on the next slide.

Crisp and Clean
The interior of Villa 5 continues the colour scheme that Sarah has been using throughout the resort. The beige palette reflects the colours of the beach with little accents of blue to acknowledge the influence of the nearby ocean. Bryan’s reaction to the reveal was that it looked “snappy”.
Related: Browse gorgeous pictures from the transformation of Island of Bryan from Season 1.

Room to Relax
Like the other villas, there is lots of room to relax and even entertain a few friends or family members. A fully-stocked bar and fridge allows you to offer your guests a drink while you unwind. The vaulted ceilings ensure air flow which is essential in the hot Caribbean climate.

A little nook with a daybed offers a place to curl up and read a book or to dream the day away. The turtle shells aren’t real, so no animal lives were lost for this decor. The twig was somehow shipped onto the island without loosing any of its arms!

Guest Room
Sarah decided to switch up things in Villa 5. Instead of twin beds used in other villas, she decided to put in a queen-size bed. The more flexible you can be in accommodating guests, the more guests you will get. The colour scheme is consistent with the rest of the villa, and like in other villas, there is a pop of green courtesy of a plant on the bedside table.

Water Fun!
One of the most important aspects of an oceanside resort is having the proper toys to play in the ocean. From kayaks to diving equipment, the Island of Bryan resort has it all. Not only that but there is an “adventure team” on the resort to help you gear up for excursions and activities.

Family First
With the Baeumler children barred from using the hotel pool, they were a bit bummed-out. Sarah and Bryan mitigated this by giving the kids a chance to test the new equipment before the guests started using them.

Out at Sea
With all the Baeumler children at the resort, this was a perfect time for a family activity. It reminded the Baeumlers of when they first came to the island and spent time just floating in the ocean. For Bryan, it was the warm, fuzzy feeling of freedom.

Family Photo
Adventure is one of the most important parts of the Baeumlers’ lives. As parents, the Baeulers try to instill a sense of adventure in their children. They also know that a family that plays together stays together.

The Tough Conversations
Bryan and Sarah were thrilled to finally re-open the resort after closing temporarily due to COVID-19, but they still weren’t seeing the number of guests they’d been counting on. With increased spending on hospitality (to ensure the utmost safety for guests), they had to discuss new ways to reach potential visitors, entice them with specials, and ensure the resort stayed out of the red.

The Caerula Mar Club Boutique
It was back to business after the grand re-opening of the Baeumler’s Caerula Mar Club, and that meant finalizing Sarah’s dreams for a chic island boutique. The team had one week to complete the resort’s shop, so Sarah kept the design simple and used materials already on site. Ultimately, she wanted the space to feel polished and inspiring, and judging by those gleaming displays and colourful collections, we’d say Sarah achieved her vision.

Bring the island home
The boutique was a passion project for Sarah (the space was originally her office, where she crafted dreams and plans for the resort!). She had so much fun sourcing items for the shop. She brought in essentials that guests may have forgotten, but also souvenirs from local makers, so visitors could take a piece of the island’s culture home.

A Puzzling Piece of Decor
Bryan enlisted the help of his B Team to assemble a whale’s skeleton that had been gifted to him by a fisherman who discovered it washed up onshore. Taking a break from homeschooling, their teacher helped the kids research the skeleton to determine what kind of whale it came from and then assemble it for a special install at the resort!

The Crowning Jewel of the Boutique
Bryan surprised the B Team by putting their project on display in Sarah’s new boutique. It’s the perfect piece of island decor, and after extensive research, the kids were able to teach Bryan and Sarah all about their beaked whale skeleton. (Talk about on-the-job education!)

The Dining Deck at Night
The Caerula Mar Club has been an ongoing lesson on flexibility. What was initially a health and wellness pavilion that could be used for large gatherings and celebrations, pivoted to become a simple outdoor deck. Space constraints were a factor, plus the realization that it might be a while before the resort could host hundred-person celebrations again. Bryan built this beautiful deck with a perfect view of the ocean. During the day, it serves as a platform for yoga, and at night, it transforms into a gorgeous dining deck.

Dreamy Island Dinner
Bryan managed to build the deck in just two days, and Sarah was thrilled to have a space to market to brides dreaming of an island wedding. She even joked about having a vow renewal with Bryan to christen the new deck! But Bryan being Bryan, joked he had sawdust in his ear, and her proposal went unanswered.

Bryan and Sarah Hand-in-Hand
What could be better than a walk on the beach to discuss the pressing issues on Island of Bryan this week? (Like adopting baby goats, transforming a shipping container into a hip scuba centre, finishing Caerula Mar’s chic restaurant, Lusca, and considering a permanent home near the resort for the B Team.)

Building the Scuba Deck
After a 40-foot ocean container was brought in by crane to act as a scuba centre for the resort, Bryan and his team got to work! They set about building a deck in front of the trailer, outfitting it with shelves, and giving it a fresh coat of paint to match the resort’s beachy colour scheme.

The Scuba Trailer
Bryan was thrilled with how the PADI centre turned out (he couldn’t get enough of the smell of the neoprene!). Sarah insisted on a new vinyl floor for the trailer to bring the look together, outfitted with air conditioning, fresh paint on the walls, and top-of-the-line scuba gear.

Caerula Mar’s Scuba Centre
Along with building this beautiful, inviting PADI centre, Bryan marked several dive sites around the resort where their boat could safely anchor for guests hoping to explore the waters.

Lusca Restaurant’s Statement Wall
Custom artwork (22 pieces, to be exact!) handmade with plaster added a gorgeous touch of visual interest to the main dining wall. Because projects like this can’t occur during the day, when the restaurant is in use, Bryan and Sarah burned the midnight oil to hang it all before the breakfast service!

The Finishing Touch as Lusca
Tight on time, Bryan and Sarah did manage to hang this signature piece above the bar between the lunch and dinner service. Lusca (which the restaurant is named after!) is a sea monster from Caribbean folklore.

Dining at Lusca
Without a blueprint to follow, Bryan and Sarah had to plot out how all 22 pieces of art would be hung. After three and a half hours of working on this project, the statement wall looks beautiful and is exactly what the bare white wall had been missing.

Lusa Restaurant Revealed
Bryan and Sarah’s restaurant might be named for a sea monster, but there’s nothing scary about this focal point! This sculpture of Lusca, nestled between the restaurant’s wine collection, is the icing on the cake of an incredible restaurant design!

Reunited and It Feels So Good
The arrival of Adam, the Baeumler’s project manager, was just what Bryan needed to cheer him up after dealing with his sunken boat. But the pleasantries didn’t last long: Bryan had a slew of projects for Adam to jump right into.

Welcome Home!
After several weeks in Canada enjoying the shock of cold weather after island life, the Baeumler kids returned to the island to set up permanently. Bryan and Sarah had decided to keep the family together at the resort instead of moving the kids to Florida, but they knew they needed to create a designated room where they could really feel at home and have separation from Mom and Dad (and Bryan could have separation from Charlotte’s chatty dog, Bixby!).

The Bunk Room Before the Makeover
The Baeumlers decided to adapt the schoolhouse to make space for a bunk room for the kids. The room would be snug, but with some creative thinking, Sarah knew they could make it a cozy retreat (with loads of storage space!). Discussing the project brought back memories of Bryan and Sarah’s first renovation, when Sarah moved into Bryan’s tiny apartment in Vancouver.

Testing Mattresses
To save money on the bunk room makeover, Sarah made sure the project used readily available materials and kept the design sleek and simple. They installed new floors, built a custom bunk to fit all three kids comfortably, and gave the walls a fresh coat of paint!

The Bunk Room Reveal
Making space for all three beds took some creative thinking between Bryan, Sarah and Adam. In the end, they found a way to fit two singles up top, a queen bed below for Charlotte, and a reading nook. We got to see just how much thought and testing goes into maximizing a tight space. Island life is all about adapting to what you have and creating beauty in its simplicity.

The B Team Bunk Room
For 13-year-old Charlotte, Sarah created a chic little space beneath the bunks with a queen bed, cubby and built-in lights. While Bryan joked about a teenager bunking with her younger siblings, Charlotte was overjoyed to see her spacious retreat.

The B Team in Their New Bunk Room
So, what did the B Team think of their new room? From the look on their faces, they were thrilled! There was even room for Willow and Bixby. Now, Bryan and Sarah could shift their focus to finishing up their own villa.

The Family Villa
Once the Baeumler kids were settled in their own villa, it was time for Bryan and Sarah to turn their attention to their own private space. By taking over the area where the bunk beds had previously been, they were able to reconfigure the villa to make space for a cozy living area, a kitchenette, and a laundry and storage room.

The Family Villa Kitchen
Sarah pulled a fast one over Bryan by ordering new flooring to replace the villa’s original tile. In the end, he agreed it made a world of difference.

Building the Family Villa
Bryan wasn’t thrilled to learn Sarah had also ordered wallpaper for the family villa (and a complicated one at that!). Ultimately, Sarah agreed to scrap the install due to time constraints. In place of her original wallpaper, Bryan installed a simpler grasscloth instead.

Sarah Baeumler’s Office Nook
After giving up her spacious office villa to make room for the schoolhouse, it was important for Sarah to create her own office space, even if it would be snug. This empty nook in her villa offered the perfect spot for a floating desk, shelving and a cozy chair.

The Baeumler Family Villa
Bryan remarked that it had been three years since he and Sarah have been able to wake up and make breakfast in their own space. Their new villa is symbolic of the roots they’re planting at Caerula Mar, and a special spot for the couple to enjoy…until the B Team rolls in!

The Caerula Mar Sport Court
Guest experiences became a primary focus for the Baeumlers, and Sarah knew just what to do with an empty lot on the property. A pickleball court could offer a fun, easy and unexpected activity for guests when they’re all beached out. Plus, it’s smaller than most sport courts and quickly growing in popularity.

A Stylish Sport Court Umbrella
A chic palapa umbrella was installed for spectators to sit back, relax and enjoy the game from the safety of the shade.

Action on the Sport Court
Pouring the concrete made for a tense day at the resort. Bryan had made the calculations to ensure he had enough to fill the space, but the process had to move quickly to ensure a perfectly smooth surface. Thankfully, all’s well that ends well, and the court is now a favourite activity among guests (and staff!).

The New Community Dock
The Baeumlers leased a piece of waterfront where they could bring in a new dock that would suit their needs for diving and boating better than their beachfront resort. For now, they’d start with a dock, but down the road, Bryan had big dreams for this idyllic spot.

Building the Community Dock
The dock arrived in large floating squares from a Canadian based company that Bryan works with, and the pieces were assembled in the water and then pulled into position.

Prepping the Waterfront for a New Dock
For now, the land is purely for the dock, but down the road, Bryan envisioned a marina and areas for guests and locals to socialize and enjoy the gorgeous waterfront views.

A Floating Dock for Any Tide
The floating dock allows it to rise and drop with the tide, making it easy to get in and out of boats. The ramp from the land rests on the top of the dock and isn’t actually anchored, which means it too can adjust its height, no matter the tide!

Hit the Lights
Bryan surprised Sarah with new, colourful lighting behind their custom Lusca sign. Installing it proved more challenging than he’d expected, and Sarah was less than thrilled with the results (but she couldn’t help but give a chuckle).

A Baeumler Family Crafternoon
Sarah had the great idea to create a sign that would highlight the direction and distance to notable sites on the island. She enlisted the help of her B Team to come up with important places for guests to visit, along with some sentimental destinations to include.

Island Signage
Working on this project with the B Team was a chance to shrug off the stress of the pandemic and building the resort. They got to focus on what brought Bryan and Sarah to the island in the first place: simple pleasures enjoyed as a family…

Bryan Baeumler Taking a Cat Nap
…and the thrill of a cat nap in the sun!

What the Future Holds
What does the future hold for the Baeumlers? Bryan is feeling optimistic as occupancy increases at the resort and the management team hits their stride. He’s also looking forward to planting roots at their family home in Florida and working on his pilot’s license. For Sarah, it’s about focusing on their family, making smart choices, and being comfortable with change. Most of all, it’s about having fun as a family!
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