Looking to spruce up your bathroom without breaking the bank? Look no further than the magical power of spray paint. Here, we walk you through quick and easy DIY ideas for your bathroom that require nothing more than a simple can of spray paint and a little prep work to create.
In other words, we’ll give everyday bathroom accessories a modern makeover that will instantly elevate the style and ambiance of your space. The best part: these DIYs are super simple and inexpensive to achieve. Let’s get started!
Materials Required:
- BEHR PREMIUM™ Spray Paint in White, Sweetheart, Champagne Gold, Amazon Moss & Adored Blue
- Drop cloth
- Goggles, mask and gloves
- Cloth
- Painter’s tape
- 150-220 grit sandpaper
- Bathroom accessories to spray paint (we chose a mirror, shelving unit, towel rod kit and thrifted decor items)
Step 1: Prep Your Paint Area and Bathroom Accents Before Spray Painting
First, let’s organize our work area. Place a drop cloth in a well-ventilated space (not the bathroom). Use painter’s tape to mask off any nearby areas of your home you want to protect from accidental overspray.
Now it’s time to clean and prep the bathroom accessories. If you haven’t worked with spray paint before, prepping the items is crucial to ensure a smooth and long-lasting finish.
Start by using a cloth to clean your mirror, shelving unit, thrifted decor items and towel rod kit (or whichever accents you chose to make over for this project) to remove any dust and debris. Give all the items a light sand using a 150-220 grit sandpaper, which will allow the spray paint to better adhere to each item. Tip: be sure to wipe away all the sand dust with a clean cloth before spray painting.
Step 2: Spray Paint Your Bathroom Accessories
For this step, it’s important to wear protective gear before any spray painting takes place. We recommend wearing a mask, goggles and gloves.
Once you’re all geared up, shake your can of spray paint vigorously for one minute and apply a light coat in a sweeping motion to whichever accessory you’re painting first. Always spray about 20-30 centimeters away from the object you’re painting. Apply thin coats to avoid drips and runs, and recoat within one hour or after 24 hours. Depending on the colour and the coverage you want to achieve, you may need to apply up to three coats of spray paint for best results. Repeat this process for each item you’re DIYing.
The beauty of BEHR PREMIUM™ Spray Paint: Its paint and primer formula has excellent adhesion on wood, metal, plastic and more, so the DIY possibilities are endless.
Not sure which colours to choose? We opted for a metallic finish (Champagne Gold) for the mirror frame, classic white (White) for the towel rod kit, light pink (Sweetheart) for the shelving unit and pastel blue & muted green (Adored Blue & Amazon Moss) for the thrifted accessories. These colours perfectly complement the already existing pink aesthetic of this bathroom.
With that said, choose whichever colours and finishes speak to you and correspond with your existing decor scheme – there are over fifty BEHR PREMIUM™ Spray Paint options to choose from!
Step 3: Install Your Spray-Painted Bathroom Fixtures
Finally, it’s time to install and display our colour-happy accessories to give your bathroom that modern, stylish aesthetic it’s been craving. We can’t wait to see your bathroom transformations soon!
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