All it takes is a little determination and a few hours of your day to completely makeover your closet experience. Plus, what better time to go through your drawers and clothing than the spring?
If you’ve been staring at your wardrobe and thinking you have nothing to wear, or are tired of stuffing your dressers shut, it’s probably time to declutter your clothes. It may seem overwhelming, but follow our step-by-step guide to tackle that closet clutter and finally feel free.
For more inspiration and motivation, watch pro organizational experts transform homes one room at a time in Extreme Makeover: Home Edition on Home Network and STACKTV. Try it free today!
Step 1: Get Mentally and Physically Prepared
The first step to declutter clothes like a pro is to get organized and motivated. That means setting aside a specific block of time for the task by marking it on your calendar and pumping yourself up for it. Make a playlist, stock up on your favourite beverage, and ensure you have enough boxes, bags, markers, painter’s tape (for marking bags) and any other supplies you may need.
Step 2: Start Section by Section
Marie Kondo may be a fan of taking everything out all at once, but for some people that can be completely overwhelming. Instead, start small. Go drawer by drawer or section by section. Perhaps you want to ease yourself in by going through your sweaters or dressers, or maybe jeans and slacks is more appealing. Either way, make a plan and stick to it. Even if you don’t get everything done that you wanted to in your timeframe, you’ll feel better for making a dent. And, you won’t be stuck with a giant pile of clothes on your bed.
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Step 3: Use the Pile Method
Sure, you may not want to create a giant mountain of clothes when you’re starting out, but as you begin to go through each section it’s important to stay organized. So, create piles of clothes based on whether you want to keep, donate or trash. If you’re undecided on an item, don’t dwell on it. Put it in a fourth pile to tackle afterwards.
Read more: Everyone’s Talking About Decluttering: I Tried the Viral Cleaning Routine for a Week
Step 4: Ask Yourself the Important Questions
Sometimes, it’s easy to throw out a shirt full of holes or shorts you haven’t worn in three years. But odds are that, if you’ve been holding onto a bunch of items, you have a hard time getting rid of things. That’s why you should ask yourself the following questions:
Do I have more than one of this item? If the answer is yes, keep your favourite. And maybe a backup. Everything else should go to the donate or trash pile.
Does this actually fit me? And by “me,” we mean the current, unedited version of yourself. What’s the point of hanging onto clothes that used to fit or might fit again one day? Accept yourself for who you are right now and let go of anything else.
Is it damaged? If you’re handy with a sewing machine and actually plan on fixing your threads, by all means hold onto that ripped sweater. But be honest with yourself. If you have no plans on mending it in the near future, say ciao.
Have you or will you wear it? If you haven’t worn something in the past year or two, you should let it go. Lifestyles change, and sometimes older wardrobe items no longer serve your current situation. If you’ve stopped going into an office every day, do you really need that massive work wardrobe anymore? Or, if you’ve returned to the office and no longer zoom in your sweatpants, perhaps it’s time to downsize the yoga gear.
Is it sentimental? Sometimes we hold onto things because it brings us happy memories, and that’s totally fair. But if you hold onto too many items like that, your closet is going to explode.
Step 5: Tackle the Maybe Pile
Remember that pile of clothes you were unsure about? Now that you’ve gone through everything else, it’s time to truly go through those pieces and decide what to keep, toss and donate. Use the question system above to keep you on track when you declutter clothes.
Step 6: Organize, Organize, Organize
Now that you’ve gotten your closet down to size, it’s time to get organized. If you had a hard time remembering which items you hadn’t worn in a while, try the backwards hanger method: hang everything backwards and rotate the hangers when you wear the item it holds. After a year, you’ll know for sure what you wear and what you don’t.
It’s also a good idea to organize things seasonally. Heading into spring and summer, put bulky winter items away in boxes or on a high shelf. If you tend to go on holidays, consider putting together a holiday box with items you only ever take with you when you go away. Finally, if you have special events you occasionally dress for, store those clothes away from your regular wardrobe. The less you have to look at daily, the calmer you’ll feel.
Check out: The Secret to Storing Holiday Decorations in Small Spaces
Bonus Tip: Tap Into a Trending Method
There are tons of helpful tips on how to declutter your clothes on social media, so if you need some extra motivation or structure, consider one of the following ideas:
The one in, one out method: Once your closet is organized, take something out for every new thing you put in.
The 90/90 rule: If you haven’t worn it in 90 days and don’t plan on wearing it for another 90 days, it’s time to say goodbye.
The 333 decluttering method: Keep only 33 pieces of clothing, accessories, shoes and outerwear to wear for the next three months. Underwear, sleepwear, workout clothes and wedding rings don’t count.
The 12-12-12 decluttering method: If you have a ton of clothes and don’t know where to start, try this rule. For every 12 items you keep, donate 12 and toss 12 more.
Learn more on decluttering and transforming your space with Extreme Makeover: Home Edition on Home Network and STACKTV. Try it free today!
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